Wednesday, January 2, 2008

Losing Weight With 12-Second Sequence

Revewing 12-Second Sequence weight loss book, TODAY says that Wellness expert Jorge Cruise promises to reduce your waistline in just two weeks with his "12-Second Sequence" weight-loss program.

As the year is just out and many people's New Year's Resolution lists include weight loss after holiday and Christmas parties they will be made aware of many new diet and weight loss books and programs that make promises to address various parts of healthy eating and diet. One of them now is 12-Second Sequence book by Jorge Cruise telling you how can one shrink waistline in just two weeks.

One mother in reviewing 12-Second Sequence writes that "This workout is fantastic! I am a super busy mom and just tried the DVD last week. I felt it the next day and it only took me about 20 minutes 2x per week. He also wants you to add 20 mins of cardio on the other days. Very doable program and he is not too bad to look at either!!! Looked like he has had a lot of success with clients on program too. Will try joining his online club. Great diet plan you can get easy access too there as well as the book. Thanks again Jorge for another great, doable program. - 10 Questions with Jorge Cruise about The 12-Second Sequence™

1. What is the 12-Second Sequence™ and how does it work?
The 12-Second Sequence™ is a breakthrough new method to lose belly fat with resistance training. It uniquely combines two proven resistance techniques--slow cadence lifting and static contraction--to create my trademark method: Controlled Tension™. My team and I spent years developing this method that dramatically reduces the average workout time. In just twenty minutes, you will get the equivalent of a two-hour workout. How is this possible? Well, Controlled Tension™ fatigues your muscle tissue faster than any other program available; when you create muscle fatigue, you are on your way to building new fat-burning lean muscle tissue, which is critical to sculpting and toning your body--and getting rid of that dreaded belly fat! With the 12-Second Sequence™, you will see your waist shrink in two weeks. Plus, if you commit to the entire 8 weeks of the program, you will see your best body ever.

The plan consists of two 20-minute workouts per week. Those 20-minute workouts are made up of three circuits of four exercise moves, for a total of 12 moves per workout day. You'll do 4 reps per move. Each move should take you 90 seconds and each circuit should take you 6 minutes, for a total of 18 minutes. I've thrown in 2 minutes of transition time for you.

2. Why is lean muscle tissue so crucial for weight loss?
Lean muscle tissue is the most metabolically active tissue on your body. Because it needs energy just to operate, it burns calories constantly--even when you’re doing nothing at all. This means that the more lean muscle tissue you have on your body, the more fat you burn every day. Plus, lean muscle is much more compact than fat so it actually makes you appear slimmer, and it's what gives you great tone and definition.

3. Can you really burn up to 20 percent more calories every day? How does that work?
Yes. Using the average woman as an example, I will show you how it works. A woman who’s 5'4", 160 pounds, naturally burns about 1,800 calories a day. When you strength train twice a week with the 12-Second Sequence™, you burn 200 calories during each workout, already burning an extra 400 calories. Plus, when you strength train you create after-burn, which is the energy your body uses to return itself to a "resting state." This energy burns an additional 400 calories each week.

Now, for the most powerful calorie-burning element—lean muscle tissue. When you add five pounds of lean muscle tissue to your body with the incredibly effective 12-Second Sequence™ workouts , you increase your calories burned each day by 250--that’s 1,750 more calories burned each week! Here's a quick overview of how it all breaks down:

400 calories (from the workout)
400 calories (from the after-burn)
+ 1,750 calories (from lean muscle tissue)
2,550 additional calories burned each week! = 20%

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