Tuesday, February 26, 2008

Successful Launch TTC/AIC HIV SMS Quiz Program In Mbarara, Uganda

The start of the TTC SMS quiz Programme for supporting HIV/AIDS sensitization and education has been incredibly successful. The branch manager from the Mbarara branch of the AIDS Information Centre- Uganda (AIC), reported a significant increase in the uptake of their Voluntary Counseling and Testing (VCT) services at the day of the launch February 14 (Valentines Day). AIC stated that the people who came for VCT, did so because of the SMS messages received, the radio program and the organized marching through Mbarara Town. The total number of people who received VCT was 216. This is more than a 100% increase compared to an average outreach executed by the AIC. HIV testing was completely free of charge at the mobile test centers, which were especially arranged for the occasion on Independents square. The program was officially launched by His Lordship the Mayor of Mbarara Wilson Tumwine. In his speech he praised the ground breaking Text to Change initiative. He said that all good things start with a good idea and claims to be very proud that Mbarara has been chosen for the pilot. He said that this programme has the potential to change the lives of the people in Uganda and especially those in rural communities. "We welcome this courageous group of people from Amsterdam who have come to help us in the fight against HIV/AIDS".

The Program is a joint effort of Text to Change (TTC), The AIDS Information Centre - Uganda (AIC) and Celtel Uganda Limited. Dr. Raymond Byaruhanga, AIC Executive Director stated in his speech that : "Over the years, we, as AIC, have been pushing people to know more about HIV/AIDS and for people to know their HIV status. And now Text to Change comes in with a new perspective: use mobile telephony to spread messages on HIV/AIDS and increase the awareness on HIV/AIDS". The TTC/AIC quiz will start in Mbarara and we hope to scale up in 2 to 3 months. We hope the people from Mbarara will take up this initiative and use this opportunity to know their HIV status. "I would like to thank our colleagues from Holland, who came up with this very, very good idea. And I would like to thank AIC, who embraced it. "

Bas Hoefman of TTC says: "We are very happy that the launch has been a huge success in terms of the uptake of VCT services. Therefore, we congratulate our partners at AIC Mbarara for this great achievement. Nevertheless, this program is a pilot and meant as a trial to see if the approach could be successful. The next step is to run the SMS quizzes in the local languages, so that the people in the rural areas, who don't speak English, can also be reached with HIVAIDS sensitization messages. In the end, we want the quiz to be accessible for every Ugandan. Besides the enormous growth of Mobile telephony in Africa, we think that especially the anonymity of mobile phones could be the reason that the program will become an enormous success. We genuinely believe that mobile telephony is the key to reach people with health communication messages in third world countries and especially in Africa. Therefore it is our firm ambition to become a global platform of telephony based health services."

Besides cooperating with AIC and Celtel , TTC has received technical support from PharmAccess foundation, a Dutch not-for-profit organization supporting sustainable quality basic health care, including HIV/AIDS care and support in Africa . PharmAccess is active in over 20 countries in Africa, performing HIV/AIDS workplace programs, capacity building projects and is key implementer of Health insurance Fund programs. Furthermore Text to Change is being sponsored by KLM Royal Dutch Airlines in Uganda, well known for its great service. To start the pilot program, TTC has received financial support from the Pharmaceutical Company Merck Sharp & Dohme (MSD) and the Dutch National Committee for International Cooperation and Sustainable Development (NCDO).

The TTC Concept

TTC has constructed an HIV/AIDS quiz, linked to a rewarding system, which will be sent out by text messages in order to increase the knowledge level of participants and to encourage them to go for VCT. TTC will be sending out multiple choice questions from the Celtel Uganda platform to a large number of mobile subscribers. Participants of the quiz will send in their answers by SMS, while retaining their anonymity. Those who will submit right answers can win prices such as mobile airtime and Nokia handsets. In addition, participants will get a free HIV/AIDS test at any AIC Branch. In this way, TTC will focus on providing an immediate benefit for the quiz participants. Over a period of 6 weeks, 3 multiple choice questions will be sent out weekly. If a participant sends in a correct answer, he or she will receive a confirmation SMS. When an incorrect answer is submitted, a rectifying SMS will automatically be sent out from the TTC database to the respondent, with the correct answer and an explanation on the specific topic. At the end of the week, winners will be selected from the respondents who sent in right answers. Hence the motto: "Don't' guess the answers but learn the truth about AIDS." With the slogan, "Do The Test. Know Your HIV Status Today!", TTC hopes to remove prejudices and stigmas among people and bring about behavioral change in the uptake of VCT, so that many people can access treatment on time.


Text to Change

TTC offers mobile phone based solutions to measure, analyse and improve knowledge, attitude and behaviour on HIV/AIDS and other health issues in Sub Saharan Africa. The TTC program has been designed by a young and enthusiastic group of people from Amsterdam who combined their strengths and expertise in the battle against AIDS. The team consists of a marketeer, a physician and an IT engineer. TTC also aims to increase the uptake of Voluntary Counselling and Testing (VCT) services. In addition, the programs allow TTC to capture valuable information about their behaviour patterns as well as knowledge levels of mobile phone users. Website: http://www.texttochange.com

The AIDS Information Centre-Uganda

AIC, is a respected local Non-Governmental Organisation founded in 1990 and is specialised in providing VCT. Since VCT is the gateway to prevention and access to HIV care and treatment, AIC has expanded its services to include: CD4/CD8 cell counts; Home Base Care; Testing and Treatment of TB and other sexually transmitted diseases; Reproductive Health services; Post Test and Discordant Couple Clubs services; and Youth Friendly services. By covering over 49 districts of Uganda and 104 Government Health Facilities, AIC is uniquely placed to access over half of Uganda's population through its 8 regional branches and collaborative activities with the Ministry of Health, private health facilities and community outreach activities. AIC is widely praised for their professionalism, wide local knowledge and a long term experience in the field of HIV/AIDS. Website: http://www.aicug.org

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